Doling Dollars After Death

Wills are interesting things, really. They often tell more of the family story than a census ever could. In the will text below a grandmother doles out dollars — one at a time.

This is the will of Nancy Martin of Abbeville County, South Carolina. Born Nancy Benning, married George Washington Martin.
Date: 3 June 1842

S108093: South Carolina Will Transcripts (Microcopy No 9)


Nancy Martin


In the name of God Amen.
Know all men by these presents, that I Nancy Martin of the state & district afforesaid relict of the late George Washington Martin deceased. being weak in body, but of sound mind, memory and understanding, do make and ordain this , my last will and testiment, in the words following ( to wit )
First, I Resign my body to the grave, and my soul to God who gave it.
It is my will that all my just debts by paid, by disposing of the crop, when raised and divided, the share falling to me to be sold at auction, togethet with my farming tools & such of my effects as shall be thought advisable by my executor.

I do will & bequeath unto my son William Bird Martin late of the State & District aforesaid but now of Alabama the sum of one dollar to be his full share of my estate. to be paid him by my executor.

I do will and bequeath unto my son John Benning Martin of the State & District aforesaid the sum of one dollar, to be his full share of my estate. to be paid him by my executor.

I do and bequeath unto my daughter Martha Sarah Ann Childs, of the State & District aforesaid, the sum of ten dollars to be her fair share of my estate to be paid her by my executor.

I do will and bequeath unto my daughter America Rowenna Eliza Haddon the sum of ten dollars to be paid by my executor also. I will and bequeath unto the aforenamed America my trunk and safe, which together will the aforesaid ten dollars shall be her full share of my estate.

I do will and bequeath unto my remaining daughter, Indiana Martin all the remainder of my estate, after paying all my just debts, together with the expenses of Administration and the aforenamed legacies, excepting my saddle which I bequeath to my grand daughter Arabella Frances Childs.

Furthermore, it is my will that my daughter Indiana, recieve unsold my shairs, clock, crockery & glass ware. My two looking glasses, drinking table, loom & appurtenances, my three beds & all my bed clothing, my three dedsteads, flybrush. together with such other property as she may desire, which may not be needed to defray any of the aforesaid expenses.

I do furthermore appoint Dr. Franklin Branch my executor to this my last will & testiment. In my testimony where I subscribe my name & affix my seal this third day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two. and of the independence of the United States of America the sixty sixth.

Signed sealed & delivered
in the presence of

Peter Gibert
Thos. A. Benning

F. Brance

the interlining made before signing.

Nancy X Martin (T. S.)

Nancy Benning Beckwith, Will, Page 1, 1842Nancy Benning Beckwith, Will, Page 2, 1842