Thomas Pleasant Martin Will Abstract

Thomas P. Martin
Abbeville, South Carolina

All debts be paid.

Bequeath onto son John C. Martin my whole estate both real and personal.

If we both die before he is of age, my property shall be sold and divided as follows:

Nefew Thomas [I?] Martin of Augusta Georgia; five thousand dollars

Nefew Washington B. Martin; twenty five hundred dollars only for his education which I have to the management of.

Niece Eliza Martin of Augusta Georgia; one thousand dollars

Two nefews Charles and Thomas P. Martin – sons of Jacob Martin; five thousand dollars to be equally divided for education

Niece Indiana Martin; fifteen hundred dollars

Nefew John A. Martin; three thousand dollars

Remainder of estate divided between before mentioned nefews and nieces

Executors brother Jacob Martin and David Lily (?)

Written 5 January 1826

Filed 23 May 1827